[Salon] DeSantis says Iran ‘only understands strength’; backs Israel in ‘whatever action’ needed to defend itself – www.israelhayom.com

I may have shared this article before but just to be fair to DeSantis, and knowing how much pleasure it gives some to read him, and to the people who support him here, as some have vigorously expressed, I think its fair to share how he’s no “Johnny come lately” in justifying Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and Iranians, when he’s not calling for the same against China, with Russia “slyly” included in all those as he and Kevin Roberts as fellow “Right-wing Peaceniks” agreed from the other day. So here’s his pitch, which has remained constant his adult life to the present: 

"I think Israel has the strongest claim of right in Judea and Samaria. Of anybody. I do not believe it's occupied territory. I think it's been disputed territory, and I think they have the right to act appropriately.

Q: When you say that only strength works, do you mean military action as well? 

"I think we have a great deterrent capacity, but it's not as good as it used to be. One of the things I'll do as president is rebuild some of our military capacity because – particularly when you look at our ability to project power – we have like 200 navy ships in the Navy. We used to have almost 600 back in [Ronald] Reagan's day. So there's a lot that we need to do. But at the end of the day, I can say this – Iran represents an existential threat to the State of Israel. Now they would love to wipe Israel off the map. They would love to wipe out America, don't get me wrong. I mean, there's no love lost for either."

That’s how some organizations and magazines, usually identified as “American ________”, or being for “Realism and Restraint,” define “Peacenik,” obviously. 

I don’t buy that and I readily admit I’m 180 degrees apart from everything DeSantis and his like-minded “Right-wing Peaceniks” stand for, so I ask for some tolerance for my opinions, as I’ve been on this email list close to 15 years now and remember when “Intellectual Giants” like Bill Polk was on it, who would be in full agreement with me, as would Chalmers Johnson who in the distant past was frequently quoted here, before the Trump era arrived. So I’ve had some difficulty adjusting to the “New Order” here, of Trumpism/DeSantism, and Radical Right-wing Peaceniks/Likudniks. But I’m trying! And trying to get enthusiastic for the genocide taking place on the Palestinians as I write, and as wished for so zealously by these "Peaceniks” for Iran, China, et al., and as always, more zealously than the Democrats do. 

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